The Don’t Buy Her Flowers Podcast: EP 38 Grief: You Are Not Alone with Cariad Lloyd. 2 mins read Podcast *NEW SERIES* This series of the Don’t Buy Her Flowers podcast is about those events that can leave people Lost For Words, kicking off with Cariad Lloyd talking about grief and death. Cariad is a comedian, actress and writer and the woman behind the award-winning and brilliant podcast Griefcast, where she speaks with guests about their own experience of grief. And rather than being depressing, it’s about life and relationships and love and even more, about opening up the conversation to try to remove shame and loneliness that people shouldn’t feel given death is the one thing that is guaranteed in life.Steph and Cariad talk about Cariad’s experience of her Dad dying when she was fifteen, and how it has impacted her life. Cariad offers up some brilliant advice on how to support someone grieving – what to do or say as well as what not to say. Steph and Cariad talk about the impact on identity when a loved one dies, the different ways people grieve and how we might better prepare for it, awarding a gold star to Steph’s Mum who has been filling out a book titled ‘I’m Dead, what next?’.Cariad is also about to publish her book You Are Not Alone, out 19th January when it will also be available in DBHF gift boxes. Listen to the podcast hereThank you to Naturalmat for sponsoring this series. Naturalmat handmake organic beds and mattresses, and podcast listeners can get 15% off online or in their showrooms with the code DBHF15. Griefcast podcast Cariad’s book You Are Not Alone (out 19th January 2023 or pre-order) Cariad’s book is available in Don’t Buy Her Flowers packages from 19th January Cariad’s Instagram Steph’s InstagramIf you’re looking for thoughtful gifts, have a look at Don’t Buy Her Flowers Be the first to leave a comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name * Email * Comment *I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored in accordance to our Privacy Policy Δ
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