The tables have turned and after several appearances over the years on the Scummy Mummies podcast, Steph sat down with Ellie and Helen to interview *them* about where they started, how their double-act has evolved over the years (skin tags and random hair growth, anyone?) as well as some more personal stuff. 

Helen got divorced last year so she talks about single parenthood, creating new Christmas traditions and the gift of shiny new content that her adventures on Tinder has granted her. As well as being fabulously witty, Ellie and Helen are warm and relatable and their storytelling about crap gifts, unfortunate endings to nights out, and ‘The Guillotine of Childhood’ that slammed down when Helen had to break it to her son that Father Christmas, the Easter Bunny AND the Tooth Fairy were actually just her and her Amazon account, will create a warm and fuzzy feeling that tbh seems in pretty short supply at the moment. 

â–¶ Listen to the podcast here

Find Ellie and Helen on Instagram @scummymummies @helenwearsasize18 @elliegibsongames

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