THE DON’T BUY HER FLOWERS PODCAST: Ep 4. New Year, Mental Health and the Pandemic with Dr Emma Svanberg 1 min read Podcast It may well be the New Year, but not everyone is feeling pumped for it. Psychologist Dr Emma Svanberg chats with Steph about New Year resolutions and why they might feel particularly challenging this year after almost two years since the pandemic began. Emma and Steph talk about why some of the last two years is a blur (in particular the homeschooling/working from home juggle – what WAS that?! Dr Emma explains what was happening in our brains), the impact it’s had and why we might be exhausted, anxious, a bit lost and, for some, having feelings of shame because we’re struggling and we know we’ve not had it as bad as many. Emma has a great way of helping us reframe some of those feelings, explaining what’s going on in our brains, as well as giving specific tips on ways to try and process and recover.Emma has launched A Year of Reflection & Recovery – a year focused on understanding, healing and processing the last two years. As she says ‘We live in a culture so set on quick fixes, but we are dealing with a global crisis. A 6 week online course is not going to cut it’. Find out more on her Instagram @Mumologist▶ Listen to the podcast hereWe’d love for you to subscribe to the podcast. You can also leave feedback by sending voice notes and suggestions of anything you’d like discussed on the podcast by emailing podcast@dontbuyherflowers.comTo subscribe to our newsletter for ongoing news, offers and posts click here Be the first to leave a comment Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Name * Email * Comment *I consent to my submitted data being collected and stored in accordance to our Privacy Policy Δ
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