That first year of motherhood is hard work. They deserve a gift that is all about them and some spoiling.

The First Mother’s Day is a momentous one. Becoming a mum is a huge life change and it is wonderful in many, many ways… and it’s also exhausting, challenging, confusing and just all very new.

So for her first Mother’s Day especially, it should be ALL about Mum, and letting her know that she is appreciated and doing an incredible job. You might not be able to give her an uninterrupted night of sleep, but we have got some excellent gifts to offer up some TLC and encourage her to take a bit of
time for herself.

This year Mother’s Day falls on Sunday 10th March 2024, so put this important date in your diary especially if you’re gifting a first time mum! Our gift boxes can be pre-ordered to arrive in time for the big day. All gift boxes arrive beautifully gift-wrapped with a handwritten tag message, so you can tell her exactly just how brilliantly she is doing.

For real bonus points, do whatever you can to make space for mum to enjoy these gifts alone!

What is the number one thing mothers want for Mother’s Day?

Rest. That may come in the form of sleep, or someone else taking over the things she’s normally doing, but just a guilt-free break from it all where she can focus on herself and no one else.

What is a good First Mother’s Day gift?

The best gift for a first Mother’s Day has to be all about Mum. It has to recognise that she has probably put herself last since the baby arrived, and that her body and brain might be exhausted. All the things she previously did to feel good and relax may have temporarily gone out the window, so the gift needs to help her to give herself some TLC.

What can I do for my wife’s first Mother’s Day?

While having babies is magical and can bring moments of elation, it’s also a tricky one for couples to navigate. Also remember that while someone at work gets appraisal, being at home with a baby is incredibly hard work but with very little feedback (and certainly no pay rise) so tell her she is incredible. Write it down – women love words and a note saying ‘I am in awe of how brilliantly you are doing’ will be so well received (and may well make her cry).

New mums really need to hear that they’re doing a good job, and also spoil her a little. Prechildren, she probably didn’t find it that hard to enjoy a hot cup of tea, or to sit down with a book, or have a long candle-lit bath with all the soothing creams and smells. Some gorgeous products to help her recapture that peace along with the space to do it will be so appreciated.

What is a unique Mother’s Day gift?

Something thoughtful is always going to go down well – selecting things that she loves, that show how well you know her and that you’ve really thought about what will make her smile and feel loved. Sometimes mums want to feel like we’re someone else’s priority and thoughtfulness helps with that a lot.

Unique First Mother’s Day Gifts

Choose the Create a First Mother’s Day Sleep Gift Box

Select from – sleepy tea, pillow spray, a luxurious silk pillow, cbd oil and a whole host of other products that will help with the thing that most new mums are obsessed with – SLEEP. It’s the ultimate act of care to acknowledge that you know she is exhausted, and to try to help her get some shut eye.

This needs to be accompanied with taking the baby out the way to allow for the sleep, and absolutely no mention of how tired you are. This is all about her.

First Mother’s Day gift for your daughter

Choose the The Create A Relaxing Gift Box

Despite having kids of our own, we still want to impress our parents. Sometimes that can mean taking on too much or trying to demonstrate that ‘we’ve got this’ even when we haven’t. The lack of time to herself is a big change for new mums, and the impact that has can’t be underestimated.

By creating a bespoke box packed with products to help her relax, you’re letting her know that you understand it’s not always easy and that she’s giving it her all and you think she deserves to relax.

The Create A Relaxing Gift Box will help encourage her to unwind with products all about TLC for her body and mind. As a practical way of supporting her, you might want to add in a COOK voucher so they can order some delicious meals to their door – one less thing to think about for a new nights!

First Mother’s Day gift for your sister

The Don’t Buy Her Flowers Care Package is the original gift box from Don’t Buy Her Flowers, specifically created for new mums. The Care Package is a simple yet glorious gift box to encourage a sit down – a
hot cup of tea, delicious snacks for energy and a magazine. Simple pleasures that a new mum will have been missing, and let’s her know that you think she deserves a sit down.

First Mother’s Day gift from baby girl or baby boy

If it’s baby’s first ever gift to mum, treat her to something that is for her and will make her feel special. You can always buy baby a personalised baby grow too and hand / foot casts are lovely any time of the year, but mum (especially new mums!) should come first on Mother’s Day. She will thank you for it.

Plus, all our gift boxes come with a handwritten gift tag, so add a message from baby (and you) to her first mother’s day gift to show just how much you both love her.

So, what sort of First Mother’s Day gift box could be from your baby girl or boy?

Choose the The Feel Good Pamper Gift Box

If she’s feeling exhausted, this curated box will help pep up a new mum with each item targeting an area that may have been a bit neglected while she’s been caring for another human. The gift box includes gorgeous products for her tired face, her over-worked hands and her weary body.

Oh, the luxury of sitting down with a good book! Even if your new mum was previously an avid reader, she probably hasn’t allowed herself the time to do this thing she so loved since a new baby arrived. Let her know that you’ve noticed, and that you’d love to help her rekindle that love with a brilliant book and accompanying snacks and refreshments to make it all the more enjoyable.

View the The Book Gift Box

Book gift box including Stepping Up by Sarah Turner

New mums often put themselves to the bottom of the pile, with so much to do and other people to care for. The Create a Gift Box is completely bespoke, with over 250 products to choose from, so you can show her that she is top of your list, selecting all of the products that she will love – to eat, wear, drink and relax with.

View the Create a Gift Box

She may be a vegan by choice, or some new mums undergo dietary changes to assist with issues they might have breastfeeding. Either way, she doesn’t need to miss out on all the good stuff! This package is full of brilliant products and treats, we’ve just made sure they’re all appropriate for Vegans.

View the Vegan Gift Box

Looking for more options? Why not browse all our Mother’s Day gift boxes.